Их придумал бессмертный Профессор.
Yugao, некоторые черты роднят вас с Гэндальфом. А также - Олорином, Митрандиром, Таркуном, Инканусом и ещё Валар знают кем, как только он себя не называл - или как только не называли его другие. Один из пяти магов, Истари, майар из Валинора, прибывших в Арду, он был сперва Серым, но впоследствии сделался Белым и обрёл ещё большую силу, чем владел когда-то. Но, тем не менее, он никогда не желал власти, ибо власть ограничивает и стесняет - так, например, Гэндальф отказался стать во главе Белого Совета по предложению Галадриэли.
Будучи в подчинении у Манвэ и Варды, Олорин часто бывал и в садах Ниэнны, где учился сочувствию и терпению. Возможно, поэтому он до конца остался самым человечным из Истари - если под человечностью иметь в виду милосердие и понимание. Правда, не будем скрывать, что доброе сердце никогда не мешало Гэндальфу в достижении собственных целей, - однако же, чего только не сделаешь во имя всеобщего блага.
Таков он и был - мудрый, лукавый и скрытный. Настоящий волшебник.


@темы: закрытая анкета, Гэндальф

28.02.2024 в 05:20

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19.03.2024 в 15:39

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19.03.2024 в 18:45

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Верить в силу магии можно не до тех пор, пока не столкнешься с настоящим кризисом. В моем случае это было решение моего любимого мужа, отца моих детей, уйти к непонятной женщине с ребенком. Мой муж, ранее серьезный, адекватный и ответственный мужчина, за короткий срок превратился в чужого человека. Он словно был не самим собой. Когда я почувствовала это, подумала, что на работе у него что-то не так, но он не хотел об этом говорить. Я старалась уделять ему больше внимания и заботы, чтобы бытовые проблемы его не раздражали, но все наоборот усугублялось. Я узнала о его встречах благодаря вашему сайту, Роман Петрович, где проводится диагностика по фотографиям. Я решила не сдаваться и сделать обряд - обратный приворот, который наложила на него эта женщина. Через слезы, через свое терпение и нервы, все вернулось на круги своя. Мой муж не хочет вспоминать об этом даже спустя полгода, а я установила защиту на наши отношения. Теперь только так, и мы навсегда вместе. Спасибо вам, Роман Петрович, за вашу помощь.

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19.03.2024 в 22:08

Пользуясь услугами Мага Альмареля, я нашел ответы на многие вопросы и решил сложные проблемы в моей жизни. Его ритуалы магии были проведены с большой тщательностью и эффективностью. Я впечатлен результатами и благодарен Магу Альмарелю за его профессионализм и талант. Рекомендую его услуги всем, кто ищет помощь в области магии и духовности.

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20.03.2024 в 00:15

Carl Lewis calls proposed format change in long jump an April Fools’ joke
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A proposed format change could shake-up the long jump at major track and field competitions, but will the idea take flight? That’s the big question for those involved in the sport right now, notably nine-time Olympic gold medalist Carl Lewis.

The new format, which has been put forward by World Athletics chief executive Jon Ridgeon, could see athletes jump from a take-off zone, rather than a take-off board, essentially doing away with foul jumps.

It would mean that jumps are measured from where an athlete takes off to where they land in the pit.
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“If you take the long jump at the world championships in Budapest last summer, a third of all jumps were no-jumps,” Ridgeon said on an episode of the Anything But Footy podcast, which was released on Monday.

“Athletes stepping over the front of the take-off board – that doesn’t work, that’s a waste of time … proposed format] means every single jump counts, it adds to the jeopardy of the competition, the drama of the competition.”
Ridgeon added that World Athletics will test the concept this year with “very good athletes,” explaining that “if it doesn’t pass testing, we’ll never introduce it.”
20.03.2024 в 00:38

Спасибо Роману Петровичу с сайта cmag666.ru/ за помощь в решении моих проблем. Благодаря его мастерству в привороте мужчины, я смогла вернуть своего возлюбленного обратно. Теперь наши отношения стали крепче, чем когда-либо. Номер телефона для связи: 8 (984) 286-12-65.

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20.03.2024 в 01:32

После многих неудачных попыток исправить наши отношения, я обратилась к Роману Петровичу с сайта cmag666.ru/, и это было лучшее решение в моей жизни. Его профессионализм и умение в области приворота мужчины поразили меня. Моя история была запутанной, полной обид и разочарований. Я теряла надежду, но Роман вернул мне веру в себя и в наши отношения. Его работа была ощутима с первых дней, и я чувствовала, как что-то меняется в лучшую сторону. Я благодарна ему за возвращенное счастье и готова порекомендовать его услуги каждому, кто столкнулся с подобными проблемами. Номер телефона для связи: 8 (984) 286-12-65.

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20.03.2024 в 03:16

Маг Иннер - настоящий мастер своего дела! Я обратилась к нему за помощью в проведении ритуалов приворота, и результаты превзошли все мои ожидания. Иннер вложил в свою работу большое внимание и заботу, и я видела положительные изменения в своей личной жизни уже через короткое время. Благодаря его помощи я смогла привлечь к себе внимание того, кого я давно желала. Огромное спасибо Магу Иннеру за его талант и профессионализм.

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20.03.2024 в 07:07

What marks Mixer Money out from the crowd is the fact that this crypto mixer is able to process transactions for Bitcoin and Litecoin. There is a minimum deposit requirement for both Bitcoin and Litecoin. The site is able to support a maximum of 5 multiple addresses with confirmation required for all addresses. No site registration is required and there is a referral program in place. Additionally, Mixer Money can provide clients with a letter of guarantee.
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1. YoMix Mixer - Excellent customer support
YoMix Mixer is another one of the mixer that deserves to top most Bitcoin mixer charts based. For starters its user-interface is one of the simplest and easiest to understand. Then, it supports as many as 10 additional addresses, which is the maximum most mixers on this list support. Its fee based on address, 0.0002 per address, no service fee. It has a no logs policy with a 7-day default retention of the logs for support and transaction-related issues, although users get to permanently and instantly delete the logs manually whenever they wish anytime before this 7-day auto clear period as well. Does provide distribution control for each individual address separately; time-delay too is available although it’s randomly set by the platform and not user-controlled. The minimum limit too is quite low at just 0.0005BTC while the maximum limit depends on the real-time reserves. Bottom line, apart from lower user-control on fee and time-delays it’s pretty perfect.YoMix Mixer has a deposit requirement of 0.001 BTC and supports a maximum of 2 different addresses. Registration is not compulsory but there is a service charge of 4 – 5% on the amount being transferred. For those with a need for additional privacy, YoMix Mixer also accepts Bitcoins with a no log policy.YoMix Mixer is a Bitcoin mixing service that provides privacy by using the ‘Bitcoin Mixer 2.0’ algorithm to shuffle bitcoins. Unlike other similar tumbling services that mix your coins with the coins of other users, this platform mixes your crypto with the crypto bought by them directly from the cryptocurrency stock exchanges. YoMix Mixer verifies the newly purchased coins with a scoring system with the help of innovative algorithms and outfoxes such technologies as blockchain volume analysis, cluster analysis, taint analysis, etc. It means that you will receive your BTC back split into random parts, and even at the different addresses if needed. Consequently, your privacy is protected as there is no connection to you. And it takes up to 6 hours to complete your request. Another privacy feature of this mixer service is that it does not require registration and it does not store logs. All the transactions are digitally signed with letters of guarantee that you can check on the website at any moment. They also provide 24/7 technical support. MixTum.io will charge you a 5% Fee from your transaction as well as a network fee of 0.00015 BTC. The platform provides two versions – for Clearnet and Tor browsers.YoMix Mixer will be reliable and easy to use. It has been around for several years and is probably considered one of the most popular mixers on the darknet. YoMix Mixer charges a commission randomly in 1-3%, and also provides sending coins to 10 different addresses for increased anonymity. Due to randomization, withdrawal amounts turn out to be unpredictable, which again increases anonymity. BitBlender requires you to create an account to use the full suite of tools, but if you don’t want to register, this mixer offers a “quick blend” mode. When using the Quick Mix feature, you will be sent a code that identifies each individual operation to ensure that you do not receive any previously sent coins back. BitBlender provides two additional features. Auto-Withdrawal and Quick-Withdraw. Auto-Withdrawal will dramatically decrease your runtime if you have to constantly clean your coins. Quick Mix comes in handy for the casual user who doesn’t want to register.
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2. Mixer Money - Zero-log policy
Mixer Money is a simple service that will increase your privacy while using and transacting Litecoin. Every single person have its right for a personal privacy even when transacting, trading or donating Litecoin. Due to litecoin blockchain features you are not completely anonymous while using LTC and here comes Litecoin Mixing Service to help you cut all ties between your old and fresh mixed LTC coins. Using LTC mixer makes almost impossible third-parties to trace your new Litecoin Address and find out how wealthy you are. bitcoin mixer Supporting multiple types of cryptocurrency, Mixer Money is one of the most flexible Bitcoin tumblers available today. Besides requiring a minimum deposit, service fees are charged, and users are required to register to use this site. Referral programs are also on offer along with support for multiple recipient addresses (max 10).Mixer Money is being listed at the #1 spot here, well that’s not without substance. The top reasons why I’m in love with this Bitcoin tumbler is because it’s fast, takes care of our anonymity and privacy, and has a very negligible fee. Smartmix bitcoin mixing service The payout is almost instant, all it needs is 2 confirmations for the dirty coins being sent in to be cleaned or tumbled. No account needs to be created to clean your coins either.
20.03.2024 в 07:08

What marks Mixer Money out from the crowd is the fact that this crypto mixer is able to process transactions for Bitcoin and Litecoin. There is a minimum deposit requirement for both Bitcoin and Litecoin. The site is able to support a maximum of 5 multiple addresses with confirmation required for all addresses. No site registration is required and there is a referral program in place. Additionally, Mixer Money can provide clients with a letter of guarantee.
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1. YoMix Mixer - Excellent customer support
YoMix Mixer is another one of the mixer that deserves to top most Bitcoin mixer charts based. For starters its user-interface is one of the simplest and easiest to understand. Then, it supports as many as 10 additional addresses, which is the maximum most mixers on this list support. Its fee based on address, 0.0002 per address, no service fee. It has a no logs policy with a 7-day default retention of the logs for support and transaction-related issues, although users get to permanently and instantly delete the logs manually whenever they wish anytime before this 7-day auto clear period as well. Does provide distribution control for each individual address separately; time-delay too is available although it’s randomly set by the platform and not user-controlled. The minimum limit too is quite low at just 0.0005BTC while the maximum limit depends on the real-time reserves. Bottom line, apart from lower user-control on fee and time-delays it’s pretty perfect.YoMix Mixer has a deposit requirement of 0.001 BTC and supports a maximum of 2 different addresses. Registration is not compulsory but there is a service charge of 4 – 5% on the amount being transferred. For those with a need for additional privacy, YoMix Mixer also accepts Bitcoins with a no log policy.YoMix Mixer is a Bitcoin mixing service that provides privacy by using the ‘Bitcoin Mixer 2.0’ algorithm to shuffle bitcoins. Unlike other similar tumbling services that mix your coins with the coins of other users, this platform mixes your crypto with the crypto bought by them directly from the cryptocurrency stock exchanges. YoMix Mixer verifies the newly purchased coins with a scoring system with the help of innovative algorithms and outfoxes such technologies as blockchain volume analysis, cluster analysis, taint analysis, etc. It means that you will receive your BTC back split into random parts, and even at the different addresses if needed. Consequently, your privacy is protected as there is no connection to you. And it takes up to 6 hours to complete your request. Another privacy feature of this mixer service is that it does not require registration and it does not store logs. All the transactions are digitally signed with letters of guarantee that you can check on the website at any moment. They also provide 24/7 technical support. MixTum.io will charge you a 5% Fee from your transaction as well as a network fee of 0.00015 BTC. The platform provides two versions – for Clearnet and Tor browsers.YoMix Mixer will be reliable and easy to use. It has been around for several years and is probably considered one of the most popular mixers on the darknet. YoMix Mixer charges a commission randomly in 1-3%, and also provides sending coins to 10 different addresses for increased anonymity. Due to randomization, withdrawal amounts turn out to be unpredictable, which again increases anonymity. BitBlender requires you to create an account to use the full suite of tools, but if you don’t want to register, this mixer offers a “quick blend” mode. When using the Quick Mix feature, you will be sent a code that identifies each individual operation to ensure that you do not receive any previously sent coins back. BitBlender provides two additional features. Auto-Withdrawal and Quick-Withdraw. Auto-Withdrawal will dramatically decrease your runtime if you have to constantly clean your coins. Quick Mix comes in handy for the casual user who doesn’t want to register.
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2. Mixer Money - Zero-log policy
Mixer Money is a simple service that will increase your privacy while using and transacting Litecoin. Every single person have its right for a personal privacy even when transacting, trading or donating Litecoin. Due to litecoin blockchain features you are not completely anonymous while using LTC and here comes Litecoin Mixing Service to help you cut all ties between your old and fresh mixed LTC coins. Using LTC mixer makes almost impossible third-parties to trace your new Litecoin Address and find out how wealthy you are. bitcoin mixer Supporting multiple types of cryptocurrency, Mixer Money is one of the most flexible Bitcoin tumblers available today. Besides requiring a minimum deposit, service fees are charged, and users are required to register to use this site. Referral programs are also on offer along with support for multiple recipient addresses (max 10).Mixer Money is being listed at the #1 spot here, well that’s not without substance. The top reasons why I’m in love with this Bitcoin tumbler is because it’s fast, takes care of our anonymity and privacy, and has a very negligible fee. Smartmix bitcoin mixing service The payout is almost instant, all it needs is 2 confirmations for the dirty coins being sent in to be cleaned or tumbled. No account needs to be created to clean your coins either.
22.03.2024 в 23:09

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